TEEN BOARD2024-10-14T22:09:06+00:00


Teen Board Mission Statement: We strive to creatively solve issues and lend a hand to empower women and children by providing lasting solutions in our community.

Women & Children’s Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen has an exciting opportunity for teens. Our Teen Leadership Board offers students from local high schools unique ways to gain leadership experience and to learn about the importance of philanthropy and volunteerism. The purpose of our Teen Board is to raise awareness about the mission and programs of WCFR and to provide ways to participate in projects that support families in need.

Teen Board membership provides valuable learning experiences. Many of the activities are designed to create a team of individuals who are working for the best interest of those who are unable to help themselves. Members can earn community service hours for school or service club requirements from a nonprofit organization in supervised settings and activities. Verification of volunteer hours will be provided and, if requested, letters of recommendation to colleges or employers will also be made available to members in good standing.

Responsibilities | Requirements

In addition to having completed the 8th grade, Teen Board applicants must:

  • Complete the Teen Board application below.
  • Attend an interview.
  • Commit to attend meetings and participate in teen board activities.

Participation Expectations

  • Attend scheduled meetings (typically, a minimum of six monthly meetings will be held; dates and times TBD).
  • Participate in fundraising activities and volunteer projects.
  • Work as part of a team, be a good communicator and be willing to put in time beyond meeting dates if necessary.

Application | Interview Tips & Hints

  • Please complete your own application. Don’t have mom or dad or friends fill it out for you. This is your application and your responsibility.
  • Please follow up by email to verify that your application was received.
  • You will be contacted by email, and your email will indicate the time and date of the interview. If you have a schedule conflict, please call as soon as possible to reschedule. Please do not have your parents call to schedule the interview. We want you to accept this project as your responsibility.
  • Be on time for your interview.
  • Dress appropriately for the interview.
  • You will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers, so please be prepared.
  • You will be notified if you have been accepted on the Teen Board.

Teen Board members must be mature, responsible, compassionate teens who enjoy working with people and making new friends. Members will serve from October through May and are asked to attend a minimum of six meetings to complete training and to participate in the planning and completion of projects. Meetings are held in the afternoon or evening, and other activities may take place at other times. Please carefully consider whether you are ready to apply for the Teen Board. Visit with your parents. It is a commitment, and we expect enthusiastic participation. The reward of knowing you helped provide meals to families in your community will be priceless. You will make a difference on this board!

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