At WCFR, we nourish our clients through nutritious scratch-made meals using fresh ingredients sourced from large pass-through organizations, wholesalers, grocers, growers, and others. The generosity of these organizations, foundation grants, and private donations allows our program families to receive nutritious meals and groceries at no cost.
Our licensed restaurant follows the standards established by the Spokane Regional Health District for all commercial restaurants. We offer women and children fully prepared meals and grocery boxes filled with carefully curated fresh and shelf-stable items. We also provided recipes tailored to the contents of the boxes and a variety of bonus items (personal care, gift cards, gas cards, and special holiday meals and gifts). Our executive chef oversees our paid and volunteer kitchen workforce of prep cooks, dishwashers, pantry workers, bakers, and other valued support team members.
Currently, our services are offered curbside on a weekly basis. Since the onset of the pandemic, our services have increased tenfold. In 2019, we provided 95,000 meals. By contrast, we provided over one million meals annually in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Sadly, this level of need has continued in 2023. While we intend to return our services to the original restaurant format, we simply cannot meet the nutritional needs of local families through this service model. As long as the current measure of need exists, we will continue our curbside services to reach as many families as possible.
If you are an adult woman needing food assistance, please register for our services here. As of June 14, 2023, we no longer register participants in the car or walk-up lines as you wait for your meals and groceries. You must complete the online registration form before joining the line. No qualifying or paperwork is required, and registration is needed only once per year. Thank you, and we look forward to serving you!
Drive-up Service: Wednesdays, NOON – 2:00 PM
Drive-up Service is reserved for adult women with a vehicle or vehicle access. If you arrive on foot or via public transit, you will be referred to our Walk-up Service on Thursdays.
Walk-up Service: Thursdays, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Walk-up Service is reserved for adult women who do not have a car and arrive via public transit or on foot from within our neighborhood. If you arrive in a car, you will be referred to our Drive-up Service on Wednesdays.
We have occasional breaks in our service schedule. To stay informed, Use the calendar we distribute at the end of each month; follow us on Facebook or Instagram, follow this link, or contact the restaurant at 509-324-1995.

This unique meal program expands our reach and complements the services of other community organizations that serve our target population. Meals are distributed to more than two dozen partner programs in Spokane County. Women, children, and families flourish through this collaborative effort to improve their quality of life.
We prepare and deliver nutrient-rich individual and group meals to partner organizations that distribute the meals to their clients. Collaborating with Transitions, Catholic Charities, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Vanessa Behan, The Salvation Army, YWCA, VOA and many others allows our partners to do what they best while we do what we do best. This service is offered at no cost to our partners – all food and financial donations to support this program are secured by WCFR.
If your Spokane nonprofit organization is interested in becoming a Nutrition-to-Go partner, please contact Melissa Berry, Director of Nutrition Services and Executive Chef at [email protected] or call 509.324.1995 ext 301.